Cake Smash


Cake Smash

Cake Smash photography is the time to allow your baby to go at his/her pace and to be in charge of a fun and creative photoshoot! Cake smash photography can take place a few days before your child’s birthday as some parents might want to use the images from the session for the child’s birthday party invites. Nevertheless, this fun photography session can happen after or during the actual birthday.

This type of photography can sometimes take longer. So, please allow up to 2 hours of fun, play and room for your child to settle and start to feel comfortable with being in a new and studio environment. As it is for many babies, this is the time for your child to start gaining freedom to explore their sensory and environment. We are here to guide your child through every step while we help you document your baby’s first birthday with their first taste of cake. Bring your baby a change of outfit for a pre-cake or post-cake photography if you want!